Categories: WASH

WASH Myths – No 1

Rain Water Collection is Cost Effective

I recently saw a report about a Rain Water Collection system.

This was based on providing gutters, pipes and tanks for the existing roofs of buildings in the community.

The cost of the system to provide safe water for 900 people was $72,000.

That is a cost of $80 per person.

This type of system also has the problem that with during extended dry periods their is a risk of the water running out.

Comparison with a SkyHydrant System

Disaster Aid Australia has been providing SkyHydrants to schools and communities at a cost of $5,000 for several years through our Safe Water for Every Child projects.

Each SkyHydrant installation can serve a community of 700 people.

That is a cost of of $7.14 per person, less than a tenth of the per capita cost of a rainwater collection system!

Because most SkyHydrant installations are supplied from existing spring fed streams they withstand much longer dry periods than a roof collection system.

Disaster Aid Australia might be able to help you provide a cost effective safe water system to your project.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ SkyHydrants to developing countries click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Brian Ashworth

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