Following the 2020 Bush Fires our partner Disaster Aid Canada (DAC) raised a large amount for Australian Rotary’s response.
Disaster Aid Australia decided to return the favour by providing support to DAC’s Projects in Central America.
We previously reported about Phase 1 of the Rio Blanco project to rebuild a dam destroyed in floods.

Working with the local partner, the Rotary Club of Comayagua, Phase 2 of the Project has now been completed.
This has involved laying 50mm pipe from the site of the dam into the village.
The support provided has been in the cost of necessary imported materials, transportation to the village, and qualified labor.
The community provided the local material and unskilled labor.
They also transported all pipes and other materials on foot from the village to the project.

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Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.