On Saturday 19th of October Disaster Aid Australia held its Annual Conference in Dandenong.

It was a great opportunity to catch up with what has happened over the past twelve months.
Cherie Ramsay hosted the day and Deputy Chair Angela Low provided a background to the 2023-2024 year.
As part of the theme of “Back to Smart Aid’ there were presentations by DART member Wendy De Luca about the North Thailand Response in September, and by DART member Peter Elias on the deployment to South Thailand in January for the Flooding.
CEO Brian Ashworth also reported on his review visit to Bhutan in March 2024 to review the installations carried out during the Bhutan 2020 project.
We also heard about partner projects involving the Leprosy Mission in Nepal, and the work Sharing Hope has been doing in assisting the Karen Communities in Myamar.
As well as serious parts of the conference ther was a strong element of fun with an International Aid Trivia Competition and a ‘Install a SkyHydrant Challenge’.

The Conference and Dinner was held at the Dandenong Club.
Thanks also to the Atura Hotel, Dandenong, for assistance with accomodation for DAA members who had to travel long distances.