DART Training Weekend

Over the ‘Kings Birthday’ weekend DAA was able to run the first SmartAid training session for the Disaster Aid Response Team (DART) since the start of the COVID Pandemic.

The session was run at Camp Getaway which is a project of Rotary District 9800.

As well as being introduced to the cloud based ‘Operations Manual’ participants were invoved in several practical exercises.

These included; emergency shelter construction, SkyHydrant Rapid Response Pack set ups, and ‘Rocket Stove’ construction

Team with a shelter using plastic sheet.

If you are interested in volunteering for Disaster Aid Australia check our Volunteer Page.

You can make a tax deductable donation which will help us deliver Smart Aid for disasters in 2023-2024.
Contact us at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au to find out more.

Or click on the link below:


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Barangay Basak Malutlut

Our partner Balay Mindanw is currently very busy.

Last week we reported on an installation that was carried out on Monday.

We have just received a report that a second installation was completed in the same week

Another step on our mission to give Safe Water for Every Child.

The installation is at Barangay Basak Malutlut, Marawi, part of our Bangsamoro Health and Peace Project.

You can make a tax deductable donation which will help us deliver Safe Water for more children in 2023-2024.

Contact us at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au to find out more.

Or click on the link below:


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Barangay Lubo Lininding

While DAA have been busy at the Rotary International Conference in Melbourne our partner Balay Mindanaw has been busy installing another SkyHydrant.

This installation is part of our Bangsamoro Health and Peace Project.

Before the installation of the Skyhydrant, the residents of the village were getting their drinking water straight from Lake Lanao.

Lake Lanao

Unfortunatly the waste water from the village and all the surrounding area drains into the lake which causes contamination.

Now the local people can enjoy safe drinking water.

You can make a tax deductable donation which will help us deliver Safe Water for more children in 2023-2024.

Contact us at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au to find out more.

Or click on the link below:


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Safe Water for Dologon

As part of our Mindanao Safe Water Project our partner Balay Mindanaw has been busy.

This week they completed the installation of a SkyHydrant in Barangay Dologon.

This remote rural village can only be reached by a several km hike from the nearest road, carrying everything.

Balay Mindanaw team and villagers carrying components.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia provide Safe Water for Every Child by sponsoring an installation contact us at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au to find out more.

Or if you want to make a smaller donation click on the link below:


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.