This week Nations are meeting in Glasgow to discuss action on ‘Climate Change’.

Thats fine for first world countries, with technology changes they can preserve their current living standards while reducing their reliance on fossil fuels.

It’s Different for Developing Countries

Simply restricting their use of fossil fuels could mean their living conditions will never improve.

With 80% of illness in the developing world being related to contaminated water, safe drinking water is a key issue in improving living standards.

DAA’s Help

Our Safe Water for Every Child project is a solution that improves health in developing countries without increasing the use of fossil fuels.

The SkyHydrants we use have been able to deliver safe drinking water to well over 100,000 in the last few years without the use of electrical power.

This has been recognised by the Energy Globe Foundation, who recognise the worlds major sustainability champions.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to provide sustainable safe water in developing countries with zero emission; click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

International Recognition for Bhutan 2020

Disaster Aid Australia (DAA) has just been notified that Bhutan 2020 has been selected for a National Award by the Energy Globe Awards.

The awards, organised by the Energy Globe Foundation, are the most prominent worldwide environmental project recognition.

It’s a great that we have been chosen, from 2,500 entries worldwide, to receive one of the 180 National Awards.

This recognises that this project delivers safe water in a sustainable way across the whole of Bhutan.

Key Aspects of the Project

The project, which will shortly be completed, is much more that a DAA project, and could have not have been achieved without:

  • The Rotary Club of Thimphu who first approached DAA in 2017 and have since been working continously on in-country liasion.
  • The Bhutan Government that have have provided ongoing support through their Education Department.
  • The Installation Team from the School Planning and Building Division.
  • The SkyHydrants, from the SkyJuice Foundation, that provide safe drinking water without the use of electrical power.
  • The generous support of Australian Rotary Clubs and individual supporters.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to provide sustainable safe water in developing countries click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

5 x Healthier

The United Nations believe 80% of illnesses and deaths in developing countries is due to contaminated drinking water.

That means safe water can prevent four out of every five illnesses.

Disaster Aid Australia has seen the truth of this statistic.

Our installations In India in conjunction with Disaster Aid India and the Diganta Swaraj Foundation Reduced School Absences by 88%

The water is not only safer and looks cleaner. . . . but it tastes better because our SkyHydrants don’t add chemicals in the filtration process.


If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to help improve health in developing countries then click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Sustainable Safe Water

A key consideration for Disaster Aid Australia’s ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ program is sustainability.

Financial Sustainability

President and Past President of the Rotary Club

It is important that the community ensures that there is enough money to pay for:

  • Cleaning Chemicals.
  • Replacement of the filter membrane (typically after 10 years)
  • The operators time for the daily cleaning.

This photographs shows how the cooperative in Barangay. Mambuaya, on the outskirts of Cagayan de Oro have responded to the problem.

They have connected the SkyHydrant system to two water dispensing machines in the small building.

Water flows into the containers when the a coin is dropped into the machine.

Collecting as little as AU$1/day will save enough money for the membrane replacment and cleaning chemicals!

The installation was sponsored, with the aid of a Rotary Global Grant by the Rotary Club of West Cagayan de Oro.

Greenhouse Gases

In 2018 Disaster Aid Australia was recognised by the Energy Globe Awards as being the best energy sustainable project in Australia.

This was due to the fact that our SkyHydrants provide safe water without power or treatment chemicals.

It was also one of the top four water projects in the World Awards.

Plastic Waste Reduction

One of the problems around the world is the amount of plastic waste which affects wildlife and gets inot the food chain.

Every SkyHydrant installed means that the community protected no longer needs to buy bottled water to stay safe.

That mean that there will be no need to dispose of tens of thousands of single use plastic bottles every year.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to provide Sustainable safe water click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.