
Philippines Aid Review, Barangay Batoan

In August 2020 Disaster Aid Directors were able to carry out the first on site review of our aid delivery to the Philippines since 2018.

During that time well Disaster Aidwith our local partner Balay Mindanaw have been involved in two Major Disaster Responses, as well as over 20 Safe Water for Every Child‘ installations, and several smaller COVID related initiatives.

DAA and Balay Mindanaw meeting with Tabaco Chief of Administration

Chief Executive Brian Ashworth and Director Cherie Ramsay spent 10 days visit several sites in the Philippines.

Smart Aid to Baranagy Batoan

Discussions with the Tabaco Municipal Authority and the Rotary Club of Legazpi identified Barangay Batoan as one of the most severely hit rural Barangays following Typhoon Goni in October 2020.

Typical damage to homes

Over 70 homes in the Barangay were either completly destroyed or severely damaged during the typhoon.

With a $30,000 grant from DAA our partner, Balay Mindanaw, was able to project manage the puchase and delivery of building materials for all of the damaged homes.

The following two photographs shows two of the very happy residents of the Baranagy who were so pleased that we were able to provide the material that helped them, and their friends and relatives rebuild their homes.

All who met us to were very grateful for the generosity of our supporters that had enabled them to rebuild their lives.

They were also very proud that they had been able to contribute to their own recovery.

With, on average, each home costing less than $500 this demonstrates the advantages of the Smart Aid approach to disaster response.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to respond to future humanitarian disasters in developing countries then click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

10 SkyHydrants to Philippines

Today these 10 SkyHydrants, and some spare membranes, left our office to be delivered to our partner Balay Mindanaw, in Mindanao.

The units will be installed by Balay Mindanaw as part of two new DAA projects:

  • Bangsamoro Health and Peace Project.
  • Mindanao Safe Water Project.

We are able to continue to deliver Safe Water for Every Child in the Philippines thanks to the support of Rotary Clubs and individuals around Australia.

Plaques to be installed on these units

This shipment will be followed by another shipment later in 2022 as our generous supporters have already sponsored another 6 units.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver Safe Water in developing countries then click on the link below; or contact us at for more information.


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Timor Orphanages

Our friend Max Bird, of the Rotary Club of Kwinana, has recently traveled to Timor Leste to install a SkyHydant.

The installation is a SkyHydrant GEM for the Laga Orphanage.

Disaster Aid Australia is proud to be supporting this project which has beeen driven by the Kwinana Rotary Club and boosted by support from the Rotary Club of Philip Island.

In the next week the partners will be be sending another two GEM SkyHydrants which will be installed at other orphanges by Max in the coming months.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver Safe Water in Timor Leste and other developing countries then click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Rio Blanco Water Supply – Phase 2

Following the 2020 Bush Fires our partner Disaster Aid Canada (DAC) raised a large amount for Australian Rotary’s response.

Disaster Aid Australia decided to return the favour by providing support to DAC’s Projects in Central America.

We previously reported about Phase 1 of the Rio Blanco project to rebuild a dam destroyed in floods.

Installing the pipeline

Working with the local partner, the Rotary Club of Comayagua, Phase 2 of the Project has now been completed.

This has involved laying 50mm pipe from the site of the dam into the village.

The support provided has been in the cost of necessary imported materials, transportation to the village, and qualified labor.

The community provided the local material and unskilled labor.

They also transported all pipes and other materials on foot from the village to the project.

Happy villagers

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver smart Aid in developing countries then click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.