
Bhutan Team Back At Work

After a period when the Bhutan Installation Team have been restricted, with COVID lockdowns, installations have now restarted.

The photographs show the installation underway at the Drukgyel Lower Secondary School.

The existing water source of the school comes from a branch of a stream about 5 km away from the school.

The source of the water was never a safe one and especially in monsoon when it became muddy.

The filter was installed on 23rd June 2021.

With the installation of the filter, the school is now enjoying a safe drinking water.

The project protects 800 students and 50 staff.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to help children in developing countries have ‘Safe Drinking Water’ click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

WASH Myths – No 1

Rain Water Collection is Cost Effective

I recently saw a report about a Rain Water Collection system.

This was based on providing gutters, pipes and tanks for the existing roofs of buildings in the community.

The cost of the system to provide safe water for 900 people was $72,000.

That is a cost of $80 per person.

This type of system also has the problem that with during extended dry periods their is a risk of the water running out.

Comparison with a SkyHydrant System

Disaster Aid Australia has been providing SkyHydrants to schools and communities at a cost of $5,000 for several years through our Safe Water for Every Child projects.

Each SkyHydrant installation can serve a community of 700 people.

That is a cost of of $7.14 per person, less than a tenth of the per capita cost of a rainwater collection system!

Because most SkyHydrant installations are supplied from existing spring fed streams they withstand much longer dry periods than a roof collection system.

Disaster Aid Australia might be able to help you provide a cost effective safe water system to your project.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ SkyHydrants to developing countries click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Rebuilding Pamanukan Houses

Back in April we posted about the floods in Pamanukan, Indonesia.

Since then rebuilding of homes, with help from our Smart Aid grants has been underway.

The RC Bandung Pakuan through their President Tanti Mariani and Rotarian Honey Kurnia have been our partners in this project.

The local catholic church has been involved in managing the day-to-day activities including purchasing materials locally . 

The church has had previous experience helping people repair their homes including:

  • Dealing with government department.
  • Purchasing repair materials.
  • Helping the affected people carry out the repairs.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to deliver Smart Aid to people in need in developing countries during the pandemic click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Myanmar Coup Update

SkyHydrant on the move

Since the coup in Myanmar in February life has been tough for many of the ethnic groups in the country.

Villages of the Karen people have been under frequent attack by the army.

This has meant that the people have had to leave their homes and retreat to the forest on the border between Myanmar and Thailand.

The SkyHydrants provided through our partner ‘Safe Water for Every Child Myanmar‘ have been moved with the displaced people.

This illustrates a key advantage of the SkyHydrant in areas affected by conflict.

The units can be rapidly relocated and set up quickly to make river water safe to drink.

Temporary set up.

Safe Water for Every Child Myanmar is using the money donated through Disaster Aid Australia for these two GEM Rapid Response Packs which will be on their way in the next few days.

The units with the smaller GEM SkyHydrant, tank used as the ‘packaging’, and a kit of parts will make it much easier to change location quickly, and set up a temporary system.

If you want to support ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ projects why not visit our DONATE PAGE