Thousands of people were evacuated from the danger zone of the erupting Mt Agung .
These people had lived on the slopes of Mt Agung, away from the places where medical facilities, schools and jobs are scarce.
19 camps for evacuees from towns close to the Volcano needed to be supplied with food and drinking water.
These camps are in Tianyar Tengah (Karangasem), and in Tembok, Sambirenteng, Penuktukan, Les and Tejakula in Buleleng regency.
Disaster Aid Australia agreed to help the East Bali Poverty Project with their vital humanitarian aid to refugees by providing SkyHydrants.
Removing the need to buy bottled water will allow money to be spent on other items of vital aid.
SkyHydrant filters have been installed at three locations to give clean, safe water and help the children attend school without the burden of water borne illnesses.
The residents of the Bali evacuation camps thank the Rotary Club of Scarborough who generously sponsored one of these filters.